PPA Price Index

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Access the industry’s only PPA report based on real price offers
in North America and Europe.
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What’s Included in This Quarter’s Report

North America

North America’s renewable energy markets are continuing to experience a supply crunch as demand for renewables grows amid substantial supply chain and interconnection challenges. Download the Q1 report, newly expanded with more data and original analysis, to receive insight into:

  • New PPA price data points, including projected capture price trends, and exclusive survey data about where buyers plan to procure
  • How supply chain complexities are impacting developers
  • The true potential for expanded PV module manufacturing in the U.S.


Europe’s energy markets are enduring coinciding crises: the ongoing energy crisis that began in 2021, and the energy market impacts of the tragic conflict in Ukraine. Download the Q1 report, newly expanded with more data and original analysis, to receive insight into:

  • New PPA price data points, including quarterly PPA price changes by country, and P75 PPA prices, and exclusive survey data about where buyers plan to procure
  • What Europe’s accelerated shift away from Russian fuel imports means for renewable development
  • How regulatory uncertainty is slowing Spain’s renewable sector growth

Get a Clear and Complete Picture
of the PPA Market

Data & Market Intelligence
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Executive Summary
PPA Price Index
North American and European reports available for purchase separately
Expert Analysis
Key takeaways from P25 Price Indices
In-depth analysis of continental and regional market trends 
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In-depth survey results and analysis
PPA Pricing Data
Solar and wind P25 PPA price trends 
Solar and wind P25 PPA price trends by North American ISO or European country
Solar and wind PPA prices
(P10, P25, P50, P75, P90)
Solar and wind P25 PPA prices by
North American ISO or European country 
Solar and wind P25 PPA prices
by commercial operation date 
Solar and wind P25 PPA prices by hub
(North America only)
Projected capture price trend
(North America only)
Quarterly changes in solar and wind P25 and P50 PPA prices by North American ISO or European country
Market Composition Data
Percentage of wind/solar PPA price offers from each
North American ISO or European country 
PPA Price Offer Attributes
Percentage breakdown of solar and wind project sizes 
Solar and wind PPA term lengths  
*Exact report contents depend on availability of relevant market data each quarter

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North American PPA Price Index

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European PPA Price Index

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