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RFP Automation

Effortless RFP centralization

Get started
Compare proposals based on risk and value as soon as they are submitted

How it Works

Request custom PPA proposals from LevelTen’s vast network of developers, view responses online, and instantly compare offers using LevelTen’s online RFP Automation Tool.
Instantly Reach Developers
All developers in LevelTen’s
network receive RFPs
Get Custom Offers, Fast
Collect vetted proposals online in weeks, not months
Select the Best
Easily compare the projected performance of all offers

Renewable RFPs, Reimagined

Goodbye spreadsheets! With access to all the supply, online tools and instant analytics, you’ll quickly find a PPA that meets your needs
and save months of time on tedious data collection and analysis.

Quickly Reach Developers
Create an RFP using our online form and release it to LevelTen’s vast network of developers
Easily Shortlist Offers
View responses in real time and instantly compare the projected risk, value, and performance of offers
Get Executive Approvals
After selecting the best offer, download charts and data that make the business case

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