Building the market infrastructure for time- and location-based carbon-free energy
The Granular Certificate (GC) Trading Alliance is motivated by the belief that decarbonizing with greater efficiency and granularity cannot wait, and collective action is required to accelerate this evolution. Great progress has been made toward deploying more CFE resources. Now it is time to create market signals that spur the development of new clean energy resources and maximize the emissions impact of CFE procurement.
The GC Trading Alliance has come together to build a new GC trading and management platform, developed by LevelTen Energy and ICE. The GC Marketplace is designed to incentivize new clean energy availability, drive down the cost of that energy, transact quickly – and ultimately, make achieving ambitious clean energy targets possible for a wider number of clean energy buyers and sellers.
The transition to granular certificates is garnering industry-wide support and it will take a vibrant ecosystem of partners to support GC market development. The GC Trading Alliance is proud to have the support of organizations who share in these core principles:
The development of hourly EAC markets is an important foundation for the clean energy transition. There is near-ubiquitous agreement over the role and relevance of vibrant marketplaces (featuring robust price signals) on system-wide deep decarbonization strategies. Learn how solutions ranging from enriched data visualization, tracking, and trading tools to standards development and improved data accessibility are filling in this vital role.
Hourly load-matching strategies can help lay the groundwork for a decarbonized grid in the long term. However, such strategies should be carefully tailored to region-specific grid dynamics to also maximize emissions reductions in the near term.
Granular Certificates can enable consumer choice by facilitating claims regarding the origin and/or time of specific energy production or release from storage.
To maximize grid decarbonization, clean generation needs to occur at times and locations where its output displaces the highest-emitting resources.